Our Leadership Team

Allen L. Davis

Senior Pastor

On a sunny day in June, a lady stopped at the community ball field to invite the neighborhood kids to Vacation Bible School.
Among those accepting the invitation was a nine year old boy and his two brothers. During VBS Sunday, the gospel impacted that boy and he came forward to repent and receive Christ as Savior and Lord.

In 1973, at the age of 17, Allen answered the call to ministry and made preparations to attend Gardner-Webb University. During college, he served as youth director and interim pastor of churches in Shelby.

The First Baptist Church of Locust, NC, ordained Pastor Davis into the gospel ministry on August 31, 1975. During his senior year at GWU, the newly formed congregation of Landmark Baptist Church called Allen to pastor.

After more than 4 decades, Pastor Davis has led Landmark to become a dynamic witness in Shelby, NC, and to many nations globally. He has a heart for the Gospel and serves on several mission and ministry boards to further the gospel worldwide. His commitment to lift up Christ, preach the Word, win souls, and make disciples defines his life’s passion.

Pastor Davis and wife Elaine have two children and 5 grandchildren.

Tyler Peterson

Worship Leader

A Shelby native, Tyler has been involved in music his entire life.  Using this God-given gift for the glory of God, he has served at Landmark since 2016.  Tyler is a graduate of Liberty University with a Bachelor of Religion degree.  Married to Carmen in 2019, they welcomed a daughter, Brinleigh, in 2020.  Both  love serving the Lord and using their talents for His glory.