From The

Pastor’s Pen





May Newsletter

There is a strong undertow in America to separate from the Judeo-Christian lifestyle for ideology that challenges every core value that our nation was founded on.  Who would have ever thought that we would see a day like this?  We need truth and wisdom!  But who do you trust?  The moral, spiritual, and relational truths embraced for generations are under attack, and confusion, division, and hatred triump like never before.

Paul said in Romans 13, “Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light.”

One of the terms defining this demonic undertow is called “woke” or wokeness.  The term arose out of black-slang culture suggesting that one should be aware of social and racial injustice.  Woke can be a positive term.  But when coupled with the ideologies of humanism, Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, etc., modern paganism is the result.  Truth is not defined by what he thinks, or what she thinks, nor by what we think.  Truth is NOT relative; it is transcendent!  Truth is what God says it is, not what I think it is!

The church needs to heed the counsel of the Apostle Paul.  God’s people need to “AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP.”  We have allowed a demonic lullaby to cause us to slumber and sleep.  It is time we wake up!  Yes, it is really dark out there.  But this darkness is doomed!!  Also, we need to step out of the darkness . . . “cast off the works of darkness.”  The church needs the moral courage to step out and to call out the corruption that threatens our homes, schools, and nation!

Lastly, Paul said, “put on the armour of light.”  Armor suggests that there is a battle going on.  We need helmets, not party hats, to win the fight for our nation and to usher in God’s eternal Kingdom.






Pastor Davis